A friend of mine from high school has breast cancer. Her daughter has set up a Gofundme to help with expenses. Please help if you can, and share far and wide. Thank you.
Month: July 2020
The Economancer – Chapter 2

I get off the train at 59th and Lexington and head up the stairs, stopping just long enough to give a young homeless girl a dollar bill infused with luck.
By noon, she’ll have enough money for a room with a hot shower, some new clothes, a real meal, and a bus ticket back to Georgia. And yes, that’s what she’ll use it for. I scribbled a little suggestion on the bill to make sure. Her eyes will never notice it, but her unconscious mind will. I usually don’t like to do stuff like that, but if I didn’t, she’d still be in the City next Wednesday, at which point she’ll be hit by the M60 bus. How do I know?
Because that’s what I do. Economancy. Money magic.
Continue reading “The Economancer – Chapter 2”The Economancer – Chapter 1

Hey all. I know I haven’t had a lot of material for you over the past few months. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing at all. One thing I’ve been writing is a piece of serial fiction for a private newsletter that I call The Economancer. Now, thanks to the generous permission of that newsletter, I’ll be able to share The Economancer with all of you in weekly serial format – my own little penny dreadful. Hope you enjoy.
You probably don’t think of New York City as a place for magic.
Or maybe you do. You’ve been primed by tv and movies where if anything weird happens, it happens in the Big Apple – Dr. Strange, Men In Black, The Avengers, Ghostbusters – everything from aliens to ghosts to giant lizards.
(Though I have to ask: who starts a whole business just to “bust” ghosts? Sure, some ghosts are trouble, but most are just minding their own business. I mean, you’ve been here all this time, and I bet you never even noticed Phil in elevator shaft A1! Are you gonna bust ghosts just for being ghosts? That’s vitalist!)
But I’m not talking about magic in movies or TV. I’m talking about the real stuff.
Continue reading “The Economancer – Chapter 1”Fourth of July Travelogue
Hey, all. I know I’ve been gone for a long while. Like the rest of y’all, I’ve been mostly sheltering in place to avoid Covid-19. Like many of you, I thought that working from home would give me more time to write, but as someone wise said, it’s not about working from home, it’s about living at work. The job takes up as much mental energy as it ever did, and it hangs over my head in my off-hours in a way that it generally didn’t before.
That said, I am still writing, if not as much as I hoped or thought I would, and you’ll see some of it here soon. In the meantime, enjoy this tale of my first escape from the City – and my apartment – since March.
Continue reading “Fourth of July Travelogue”