Previously on The Economancer, my morning commute was hijacked into the Soul of New York City by Boss Tweed, the City’s own personal spirit of greed. He tricked me into accepting a job to evict Bill the Butcher, the closest thing the City has to a war god, from his home in the memory of the Five Points. Unfortunately, since he basically kidnapped me, I didn’t have a chance to properly equip myself for the job.
So now here I am in the Five Points, facing Bill the Butcher with my good luck charm, a gold double-eagle coin from his day, which was worth twenty dollars in his day (which of course bought a lot more than twenty dollars does now), is worth a lot more today, and in my hands is basically a nuke, which is why I carry something that valuable around with me.
I’ve just given him his eviction notice. He’s just metaphorically torn it up and thrown it back in my face.
Continue reading “The Economancer Chapter 12 – Bill the Butcher’s Answer”