So I was thinking about Star Wars the other day, as you do, and I had an entirely non-canon but interesting idea:
Continue reading “The Real Galactic Superweapon: The Skywalker Bloodline”Official Author's Website
So I was thinking about Star Wars the other day, as you do, and I had an entirely non-canon but interesting idea:
Continue reading “The Real Galactic Superweapon: The Skywalker Bloodline”At last count, Hometown was up to 57 reviews, and most of them were very positive (52% 5 star and 25% 4 star bay-beee!). Unfortunately, I haven’t received the boost in readership that I expected when I hit fifty reviews. Apparently, while something does in fact happen at twenty reviews, the additional boost at fifty is a hopeful indie writers’ urban legend.
As I read through these reviews, though, I’ve seen a number with questions or issues that I’d like to address. And no, that’s not my way of saying I’m going to go through and curse out my 1- and 2-star reviewers. That’s just self-destructive and pointless. There’s some genuinely interesting stuff here.
Continue reading “I Answer Questions From My Fans #1”Erik Henry Vick, another author at Bookbub, has given me a five-star review! Head on over and check it out!
Here’s a sample:
Where do I start?
Oh, how about this: You went to high school with these characters. Oh, sure, their names were different, and maybe even they were two or three people, but still… Every single one of them.
This book is set in small-town America (specifically in Upstate NY) in the ’90s. It’s your typical high school–drama club, psychos, chorus, child prodigies, football, monsters, field hockey (??), more monsters, preppies, murderers, homecoming, insatiable evil, racist assholes, prom, parties, ghosts, friends-turning-into-lovers, strict parents, bad parents, the hip hangout joint run by a hippie, lynchings, grandparents, a horrible, horrible past, and completely inedible school lunches. See? Just like your high school.
Check out the rest of the review! And when you’re done with it, check out Hometown!
And if the review should inspire you to get yourself a copy, head on over to Amazon and get one!
(It’s not available on Kindle Unlimited for about a month, but don’t worry, it’ll be back soon.)
Red Molly and I finally got around to seeing It last night, and I have some thoughts. Beware, unmarked spoilers and unexplained references to both the 1990 miniseries and the original book to follow: Continue reading “Quick Thoughts on It: Chapter One“
(This review was first published on April 1, 2014, on my old blog. The articles it refers to will appear here eventually, but this one had to go up now in response to this tumblr post.)
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post that used the Left Behind novels as a worst-case example for remaining consistent to the rules you establish in your story (as they are the worst-case example for so many things). In the same post, I included what I consider to be a good example of remaining consistent to the rules you establish: the One Rose trilogy by Gail Dayton.
Having had a bit of time to think about it, it seems that the positive example and advice for internal consistency deserves a bit more attention, as does the One Rose Trilogy itself.
Continue reading “The One Rose Trilogy, Matriarchy and Following Your Own Rules”
This review was first published on March 8, 2013, back on Dreams of the Shining Horizon. I bring it here for several reasons. First, I intend to bring all of my reviews over – I believe they have relevance to writing theory and my philosophy as a writer. I bring this review over first because it was the first and, in my opinion, one of the best on the old site. What’s more, this movie remains a great inspiration to me as I continue to write fiction about myths and dreams. Finally, it’s summer time, and this is by far my favorite summer movie. Enjoy.
On my About page, and again in my first post, I mention that one of the things I intend to write about on this site is movies. It would be strange if I didn’t: I’ve been a movie buff ever since I was a little kid hanging out in the local video store, wishing I could take the entire stock home. And while there are certainly movies I’m going to pick apart or hold up as examples of what not to do, most of them are going to be movies I love, or that inspire me in some way.
That’s why the very first movie review on Dreams of the Shining Horizon is going to be about Streets of Fire. It fits into both categories, and I wanted to get the whole endeavor off to a positive start. Continue reading “Reviews: Streets of Fire“
Twice in the movie, Sam Spade calls another character a “gunsel”. This is because the pulp magazine that published the original serialized novel wouldn’t allow vulgarities, so Sam couldn’t swear. But if you look up “gunsel“, it doesn’t mean “hired gun” or “thug” like you might think. If that long-ago editor knew what he was printing (and those Golden Age of Hollywood censors knew what they were allowing to be said onscreen), they might have preferred to let Sam swear…