Hey, all.
In addition to my own work and that of my friends, I’ve found a number of marvelous things around the Internet that I’d like to share with you all.
To start with, here are two beautiful and moving photo collections:
Breathtaking Photos of the Human Species
Next we have something very different, but still beautiful in its own way, and definitely very interesting:
Photographs of Everyday Life in 1950s New York
Then we have some baby pictures of something I love very much in:
Traveling down Coney Island to the Beach…in 1868
And finally, we have:
7 Terrifying and Disturbing Horror Films You Can Actually Watch Tonight And Never Sleep Again
Frankly, I think the title is a bit of an exaggeration, but I suppose every horror-related thing almost has to claim to be the most nerve-shattering thing ever.
Of the movies, I like The Birch for its interesting monster, and Mother is what all kids like to imagine our mothers would do if actually confronted with the monster in the closet. The Little Mermaid reminds us once again that trying to keep supernatural creatures as slaves is a bad mistake.
But it’s the last one, Derailed, that really hits me where I live. As a city dweller, I fear the darkness beyond the end of the train platform, and find the outlands that are the train yards at the edge of the city to be uncanny. In this movie, they really are…
Hope you enjoyed all of those. Don’t forget, Prize Bucks and In the Make-Out Room are still available for free download at Amazon, and will be through Thursday. And keep watching, there’s always more to come.