Well, not really new. It first appeared on the blog Lunatic or Genius when The Truth of Rock and Roll came out way back in 2013. But I have just added it to The Truth of Rock and Roll‘s page. Check it out!
Tag: Book News
An Excerpt from Neighborhood Witch

Neighborhood Witch is still available for free download through Thursday! If you haven’t downloaded a copy yet, here’s a taste of what you’re missing:
“Dios mio, nena,” Celia gasped as she surveyed the wreckage of her daughter’s living room. “What happened here?”
“I was hoping you could tell me,” Aracelli answered as she righted an overturned bookshelf. Celia didn’t envy her the task of picking up and re-organizing that big stack of books.
“Me?” Celia asked. “How would I know?”
“When I got home, Brian was lying in the middle of the floor,” Aracelli said as she picked up a few books and put them on the shelves. “He was burning up with fever and shaking like a leaf with the chills.”
Celia made a sympathetic noise, but otherwise said nothing. Aracelli liked to build her case and present all the evidence before she said something that was hard to believe. It was part of what made her a good cop.
“He was delirious, too. Talking about how he’d been seeing things, hearing things…even smelling things.” She paused and took a very deep breath. Her face looked calm, but Celia could see that she was gripping the book in her hands so hard that her knuckles were turning white. It was one of Brian’s books, something about darkness and monsters. Strange that such a gentle soul enjoyed reading about violence so much.
“Do you know what he said to me, mami?”
Celia shook her head.
“He said ‘God, love, I’m so scared. I’m so scared. How bad is it if I’m hallucinating?’ That’s what he said.”
Then she took another deep breath, relaxed her grip on the book, and put it on the shelf.
“After that, he went all delirious again, and he started raving. Talking about seeing faces in the mirror and shadows moving in the corners. About things flying around the room and sticking in the walls and food rotting in the fridge.”
That caught Celia’s attention.
“The food?” She asked.
“We got some nice steaks last night for our anniversary,” Aracelli answered. “They’re maggot meat now. The vegetables look like they’ve been in the fridge for a month, and the milk is green.”
“You would’ve just ruined it anyway,” Celia said as she started to look around the room. “The things stuck in the walls?”
Aracelli put a hand on her shoulder and, when she looked back, pointed up.
Celia followed the finger.
Then she blinked.
Stuck in the ceiling were a butcher knife, a screwdriver, a variety of tableware, and a nail file.
“Connnnyo,” Celia breathed.
“When I got home, Brian was too weak to stand,” Aracelli said. “He was much too sick to, I don’t know, take the stepladder and pound those things into the ceiling with a hammer or something.”
Celia nodded in agreement. That was not what had happened here.
“Can you think of anything you mighta done to make the spirits mad at you?” she asked.
Aracelli shook her head. It might have been strange to some of her fellow cops to see her talking so matter-of-factly about spirits – that’s why she didn’t talk about it with them – but she’d seen her mother at work often enough that it wasn’t a question of belief or doubt for her: magic and spirits were as real as handcuffs and perps. She just didn’t want to carry on the family business, which was something else they fought about.
“I thought that might be it,” she said. “I was trying to think of what we could’ve done…but then I saw the mail.”
Okay, this “building the case” business was starting to get annoying. “The mail?” Celia demanded. “What about the mail?”
“Here,” Aracelli said, picking up a package from a nearby table. “Take a look at this.”
Celia looked at her doubtfully as she took the package, then turned her eyes to the package itself.
Then her eyes went very wide.
She started to shout “conyo”, then corrected herself to “Ay, Dios mio!” It wouldn’t do to swear with this thing in her hands, and calling upon God might help.
She threw the package to the floor (something inside screeched in outrage), snatched a vial out of her purse and poured the contents all over it. Billows of blood-colored steam rose from the package, and the thing inside it squealed and died.
Grimly, she turned to Aracelli, who was staring wide-eyed.
“Imp,” she said. “This was like a magical letter bomb.”
Aracelli went pale. “I could tell something bad was in there, but…wait. What was that you poured on it?”
Celia held up the small, square glass bottle, which had crosses carved on all four faces. “Holy water,” she answered.
“You carry holy water in your purse?”
“And this is why.”
“Good point.” Aracelli sighed and turned her attention back to the sodden package. “So how do I get some? Do you have to buy it, or can you just take some out of the font, or – “
“Don’t worry, I got a bulk supplier.”
Aracelli looked at her quizzically. “There are bulk suppliers for holy water?”
“I have coffee with Padre Sandoval every Wednesday, and he’s always glad to – “ She noticed that one of Aracelli’s eyebrows had gone up. “…what?”
“Coffee?” Aracelli teased. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”
“Coffee,” Celia snapped. Aracelli immediately raised her hands in surrender, her face a picture of “if-you-say-so” innocence.
“I’m not sayin’ I wouldn’t do it,” Celia continued, mollified. “When he was young, he was a real Father What-A-Waste. But he likes to follow the letter of the law, tu sabes? Probably just as well. Might mess up the holy water if he broke his vows. Besides…” she gave a lecherous grin. “I like ‘em younger. Nice young stallion, to ride all night.”
Aracelli made a face. “Ew, mother!”
“You started it. Now…” Celia turned her attention back to the package. “Who did you piss off, that they would send you something like this?”
Aracelli just looked at the package and shook her head. “I’m a cop, mami. I piss off people every day, most of them from this neighborhood.”
“And any one of them could have hired a bruja,” Celia finished. “Conyo.”
“Well yeah, but how many brujas even are there? Real ones, I mean. There can’t be that many.”
“Es verdad.” Celia rubbed one of her medallions as she thought. “Hmm. It has to be someone en el barrio. Someone who could get Brian’s hair or something – that’s the only way this could be hitting him so hard. And it has to be someone who’s either smart enough to know that you’re too strong and too protected…or just plain mean enough to want to come at you through him in the first place. Maybe both. Hmm.”
It must’ve been in the way she “hmm”-ed. Her daughter knew her too well.
“You know who it is, don’t you?” Aracelli accused.
“I got some ideas.”
“Good,” she said, turning toward the bedroom she shared with Brian. “Let me just get my – “
Aracelli looked back. “No?”
“No gun,” Celia said. “You shoot somebody, you maybe go to jail. That’s not winning.” Her face split in a broad and wicked grin. “The whole point of magic, when a gun is so much easier, is that there’s no way to test for it. Now: did the attack ruin everything in your kitchen?”
Hurry on over and pick up a free copy before it’s too late! And as always, while you’re there, check out the rest of the library!
Neighborhood Witch Is Available For Free Now Through Thursday!

The story of the witch of 178th street and the kind of magical street fight that can only happen in the City is now available for free download on Amazon!
Celia Rivera is a well-respected citizen of the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. She runs her own little shop, and she’s respected by everyone from the old men playing dominoes on the corner to the young people who spend their days looking for trouble to get into. They respect her wisdom, her toughness…
Oh. And she’s a witch.
Celia Rivera’s shop sells more than candles and incense, and she keeps her little corner of the City safe for everyone. And when someone targets her family for magical retribution, it’s time for the kind of magical street fight that can only happen in the City.
Check out Neighborhood Witch‘s homepage, or just go straight to Amazon and download yourself a free copy! And as always, while you’re there, check out the rest of the library!
Dreams of the Boardwalk is Now Available on Amazon!

After a few days of technical difficulties, Dreams of the Boardwalk is ready to go!
Sarah Brannigan’s life has fallen to pieces at the age of forty-five. Her fairy tale marriage has ended, her job history has been a downward spiral since 2008, and she’s paying way too much rent to live in a tiny room in an apartment that she shares with five roommates.
To escape it all, she walks the streets of New York City, seeking out the hidden wonders of the City. And like many before her, she falls in love with Coney Island. Then one day, she falls asleep on a boardwalk bench after a long walk in the hot sun, and she falls into a dream. A dream that seems to reach into Coney Island’s past. A dream of everything she wished for when she was young. A dream whose effects linger even after she’s woken up.
Soon the dream begins to take over as Sarah uses it again and again to seek escape from her failed life. She’s getting everything she ever wanted: youth, love, and adventure. But as she goes deeper into the dream, she gets ever closer to nightmare.
For those of you who’ve read Sarah’s adventures before at this blog, remember: that was just the first draft. There are still some surprises waiting for you here in the finished version!
So go check out Dreams of the Boardwalk‘s page, or just go straight to Amazon. Available in Kindle, paperback, or free on Kindle Unlimited! And as always, while you’re there, check out the rest of the library! If you like what you see, please leave a review!
Rated R.
Bad News…and Good News!
Sorry I had to take down the chapters of Dreams of the Boardwalk that I had posted. It seems that Amazon doesn’t appreciate it when you try to sell something that’s available online for free, even if what’s online for free is a first draft that went on to be significantly revised.
But that brings us to the good news: Dreams of the Boardwalk is completed and going up this week! Stay tuned – just a couple days until everything is ready, and then Dreams of the Boardwalk will be available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats!
Neighborhood Witch Is Now Available on Amazon!

A new story up on Amazon for the first time in far too long! Here’s the Amazon blurb:
Celia Rivera is a well-respected citizen of the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. She runs her own little shop, and she’s respected by everyone from the old men playing dominoes on the corner to the young people who spend their days looking for trouble to get into. They respect her wisdom, her toughness…
Oh. And she’s a witch.
Celia Rivera’s shop sells more than candles and incense, and she keeps her little corner of the City safe for everyone. And when someone targets her family for magical retribution, it’s time for the kind of magical street fight that can only happen in the City.
Check out Neighborhood Witch’s page, or just go straight to Amazon and download a copy. And as always, while you’re there, check out the rest of the library!
Field Hospital is Now Available on Amazon and Free to Download!

A brand new story, this one in honor of my sister Meaghan, is up for sale on Amazon, and free to download now through Thursday 12/15! Here is the Amazon blurb:
On an Air Force base in the middle of the desert, Captain Eileen Brennan waits to treat the casualties of a war that everyone back home thinks is over. But today, she will treat the wounded of a war far greater than the one she thought she was fighting.
Check out Field Hospital’s home page, or just go straight to Amazon and download yourself a free copy! And as always, while you’re there, check out the rest of the library!
Promotional Art Gallery Now Open!
All promotional art for my work collected in one place, complete with links to the works themselves!
An Excerpt from Changeling

Hey, all! Tomorrow is the last day that Changeling is available for free download at Amazon. If you haven’t downloaded a copy yet, here’s a taste of what you’re missing:
“Who are you, mortal, that you dare to approach the banshee?”
The woman just smiled and held out a hand hardened by a lifetime of work. “The name’s Bridget Flanagan,” She answered. “And you?”
The banshee held up a hand that looked…remarkably similar to her own…and wagged a finger at her. “Oh, no you don’t,” it said. “You’re not getting my name out of me that easily, mortal.”
Bridget dropped her hand and shook her head.
“You’re too used to dealing with wise women and cunning men,” She chuckled. “I’m neither. Just makin’ me manners.”
“So you say,” the banshee retorted. “But you people never seek out the Fair Folk unless you want something. You go after the fairies for wishes and the leprechauns for gold, and I can guess what you want from a Banshee. Who is it?”
Bridget’s face fell. She’d never heard tell of a fae who was shrewd, for all their mischief, or who had no interest in playing games.
Everyone learns, I s’pose, and forever’s a lot more time to do it than twoscore years and seven. Best to be about it, then.
“Me daughter,” she answered. “First birth is always the hardest, but she’s as strong as her old mum. She’d have been fine if she hadn’t taken fever.”
“ Rotten luck,” The banshee said. And did she actually sound…sympathetic? “I’m sorry, truly, but there are rules. And spirits, be we angel, devil, or sidhe, don’t have choices about following rules. That’s for you mortals. I sing death; that’s what I am. There’s nothing to be done.”
But Bridget Flanagan wasn’t one to be put off so easily. “ Nothing?” She countered. “My Patrick has been run in by the law enough times for me to know that some rules have more give than others. Sometimes, yes, you go in the lock-up…but other times, you pay your fine and go your way.”
“ Oh, human…” the banshee sighed. “What are you trying to do?”
“You say you sing death,” Bridget pressed. “Does it have to be anybody’s death in particular?”
The banshee raised its hands and shook its hooded head.
“Human…Bridget…no. Just stop. I’ve heard this so many times before. What you want is forbidden.”
“Ah, there now, that’s an interesting thing,” Bridget said triumphantly, pointing as she always did when she had someone good and pinned down. “You tell me it’s forbidden, but nobody bothers to forbid something that can’t be done. There’s no laws against counterfeiting by shitting gold coins, after all.”
“Bridget,” The banshee said, taking hold of the pointing hand and – not ungently – moving it away. “If I could do what you wish, not a child would die in this world as long as there was a parent left to say ‘take me instead’.”
Bridget just shook her head. “Oh, come now, what kind of fool do you take me for? Fool enough to think Old Man Death would find taking me sooner rather than later to be a deal worth making?”
“What deal are you making, then?”
Bridget grinned to herself. She had the spirit’s attention now. “This isn’t the first time you’ve been to these parts, you know. Do you remember?”
“I’ve been to all of Ireland,” The banshee answered “I remember it all, but I don’t know which part you want me to remember right now.”
“When last you were here, you sang for my husband.”
There was a long moment of silence. If the banshee had been human, Bridget would have guessed that it was stunned at being confronted by someone who’d been hurt by its work, at being forced to think of that person as someone who hurt instead of a simple singing engagement.
But it wasn’t human, now was it? Surely a creature who “sang death” couldn’t feel such things.
But sure, and didn’t that sound like a sigh that came out from under its hood before it spoke again. “Bridget, I’m sorry. I really am. But I’m afraid that doesn’t change anything.”
“I didna think it would. And there’s no need to be sorry.”
“…what’s that again?”
“Jimmy Flanagan was a good man, God rest his soul, and I loved him.” Bridget said. “But his death was no harder than most I’ve seen – a heart attack is head and shoulders above what our Meaghan is facing right now – and my heart didn’t break when he died.”
Bridget shook her head. “No. I loved him, but I never could love him the way other wives loved their husbands. When he took me to bed, it was doin’ me duty, not kickin’ up me heels like it is for most women at least once in a while.” She interrupted herself to shake a finger at her spectral companion. “And not because his idea of getting me ready was ‘brace yourself, Bridey’. Jimmy did the best he could, poor man.” She paused a moment then, and her eyes went very far away, and when she spoke it was much softer. “And I never knew why. Why I couldn’t love him like that, I mean…until I heard you sing, and it was like a mermaid instead of a banshee.”
The eerie blue lights within the cowl blinked, and the hooded head cocked. “What in the name of Oberon’s knickers do you mean by that?”
Bridget rolled her eyes. “Ye bewitched me, that’s what I mean. I couldn’t tear meself away. If I’d known ye would be this easy to find, I would’ve come to you on the moment.”
“Well most people don’t want to find – “ The banshee began. Then she realized what she was saying. “Are ye daft, woman?”
“Most likely,” Bridget admitted. “I certainly thought the other girls mad when they acted like I’m acting. Thought my way with my Jimmy was more sensible. Now they’re thirty years past it and I’m acting like a girl with her tits just starting to bud making calf eyes at a boy at her first dance.”
“And I’m…the boy?” The banshee asked, still struggling to understand just what this mad human was saying to her.
“You are.”
For the rest of the story, head on over and download yourself a free copy of Changeling from Amazon.
And while you’re there, of course, check out the rest of the library.
Coming Attractions
Just wanted to give you a heads-up about some upcoming events here at matthewkeville.com.
First of all, I’m going to start a big push on the book that, for now at least, remains my magnum opus.
I’m not sure exactly how many years I spent working on Hometown; there was a long period where it was just sitting on my hard drive, untouched. But it wouldn’t let me rest while the work was unfinished. That story needed to be told.
A lot of my heart went into that story. Pretty much everything I needed to say about the first eighteen years of my life went into Hometown. Never mind that it’s a supernatural horror story: fiction is about using lies to tell the truth, and the truth of Hometown is the truth of the small town that you need to escape.
As you can imagine, I want that story to be heard. So be on the lookout for excerpts, behind-the-scenes commentary, character profiles, illustrations, and promotions.
I’ve got a number of stories that are coming to Amazon soon, but the first of them will be part 1 of Turning the Curse, a romance story about a Sweet Innocent Heroine using the Love of a Good Woman to protect her village from the man she loves, who has become a werewolf…and to protect him from them.
(Darn thing was inspired by an old Hammer film, and it was originally supposed to be just a short story, but it’s already growing to the size of a novella. Thus the Part 1.)
I’m taking a bit of a chance with this one. I’ve had stories with explicit scenes in them before – two of them are up in The Grindhouse right now – but this will be my first piece of outright erotica. Let’s see how this works.