Hymn For The 81%

81% of American Evangelical Christians support Donald Trump, despite his resemblance to a certain Biblical Man of Lawlessness. 19% don’t, probably because of his resemblance to a certain Biblical Man of Lawlessness.

A leader among that 19% has written a beautiful song that reaches out to the 81% and tries to call them back from the Outer Darkness:

See this post at Daily Kos for more information on the singer and the song.

And see this post for a response to the song from another liberal Christian. Short version: it’s a beautiful song, brother, but you must have learned better from the Gospel itself, because they are not better than this and haven’t been in your lifetime.

Two Important Links

This first one is just beautiful and inspirational:

Nancy Pelosi and Ilhan Omar (and 13 Members of the Congressional Black Caucus) Walk Through the “Door of Return” in Ghana

This next is a bit more troubling and thoughtful. I’ve often been deeply troubled by media, viral memes, and the like that glorify a “warrior class” as somehow wiser, more deserving (especially more deserving of rule), and generally superior to the rest of us. The “sheep and sheepdogs” meme that went around a few years ago, where the Warrior Class was literally a superior species was particularly disturbing. But I’ve never had an answer for it.

The Angry Staff Officer does in “Stop Calling Us Warriors”.

Toronto Terrorist’s Motivations Start To Become Clear

So it turns out that Alek Minassian, the man who drove a van into a crowd in Toronto yesterday, killing ten people (mostly women, as was his intention) was indeed a terrorist of sorts. No, not Muslim, not Christian, incel:

Toronto Terrorist Deliberately Targeted Women

Incel Terrorism: Alek Minassian, Alleged Killer Of Ten In Toronto Van Attack Was Inspired By Elliott Rodger

Incels Hail Toronto Van Driver Who Killed 10 As A New Elliott Rodger, Talk Of Future Acid Attacks And Mass Rapes

For those who didn’t follow that first link, “incel” means “involuntarily celibate”. Yes, there’s actually an online movement of people who feel oppressed because they can’t get laid. Why yes, they’re almost all white men. Why do you ask?

Incels have built up an elaborate alternate reality where they themselves are hideous (when you see pictures, most are pretty ordinary-looking. They just have ridiculous standards – there are whole conversations about wrist thickness), and thus doomed to never have sex ever, because society is prejudiced against ugly white men more than anyone else. This would just be ridiculous and pathetic if they didn’t spend all of their time working themselves up into a frothing hatred of “Chads” (sexually-active men) and “Stacies” (sexually-active women, also known as “Femoids” and “Roasties” [known as such because labia allegedly look like roast beef], who are assumed to deliberately deny incels the sex they deserve out of spite), hero-worshiping Elliott Rodger and planning their revenge on the world that has so cruelly cast them out.

Because Alek Minassian is a white man, the media will try to fit him into the “mentally ill lone wolf” narrative. And he may indeed be mentally ill, but that’s not why he did this. He’s a terrorist. But because his goal – his and his movement’s – is primarily to terrorize women, he won’t be called that.