The picture above is he latest draft of my novel-in-progress, City of Dreams. What do you think? The young woman above is Aislin Rourke, heroine of City of Dreams, but I’m afraid you’re not going to meet her in today’s passage.
Today’s passage is the second half of the story of George Fuller and his accidental journey into the Dream of Coney Island, begun in this post last week.
George’s story is an illustration of the classic advice to writers: “Murder your darlings”. George’s story is intended to be an interlude in City of Dreams, but it’s more than forty pages long. You can’t have an “interlude” that’s 10% of the total length of the book. That means that you, the readers of this blog, are getting to read an uncut version of this story that will not and cannot make it to the final book.
So join me for the story George Fuller, Sally, and their last day at Coney Island.
Beware. NC-17.
Continue reading “Excerpt from City of Dreams: George Fuller’s Last Day at Coney Island – Part 2″